Core brand system / 8 wks
Vision Quest Engagement
This engagement is designed to strategically positioning your brand, and create the core visual components needed to establish your business. Along with application examples we apply your new brand aesthetic to a menu template and business card.
- Brand Strategy
- logo + trademark
- color + typography
- graphics + Photo style
- Brand Guidelines
full brand experience / 3-6 mo
Taste Maker Engagement
This engagement has everything your hospitality or restaurant needs to successfully launch and market your business. We seamlessly connect all your physical and digital touchpoints to create a memorable and elevated customer experience that promotes brand loyalty and patronage.
- Brand Strategy
- Naming (optional)
- logo + trademark
- color + typography
- graphics + Photo style
- voice + Messaging
- Brand guidelines
- Website design + dev
- social templates
- Environment Consulting
- menu template
- Business card